Positive Homework Habits

Source: one tough job

Homework is an important part of your child’s education; it not only helps him practice what he is learning in the classroom, but it also encourages self-discipline and a sense of responsibility.

When your child begins elementary school you have the opportunity to support him as he develops positive homework habits and creates a good foundation for his school experience.

How you can help your child:

Location. This may differ depending on the age of your child or what type of homework she is doing. Ideally, this should be a relatively quiet place with plenty of light. In addition, help your child gather the necessary tools to complete her homework before she begins. If your child is younger it will be important for you to be nearby as she does her homework in case she has questions or needs support.

Time. Find a good time for your child to do his homework and make it a part of your daily routine. It may be as soon as he comes home from school or it may be after he has had a chance to run around and play for a while. Figure out what works best for him and stick with that schedule. If your child does his homework in after-school care, you should still ask about it or go over his work in order to stay informed and involved.

Support. Be available when your child is doing homework so she can ask you questions or look to you for guidance. Remember that the goal of homework is for your child to learn and practice new skills so it is not helpful for you to complete assignments for her. Rather, help your child think through tough questions and support her during frustrating moments. If your child is especially stuck on a problem or having trouble concentrating, take a short break before returning her homework.

Connect: Talk with your child's teacher about their thoughts around homework and what your role should be in helping with homework, as this may vary from teacher to teacher. Building this relationship with your child’s teacher initially will be helpful if your child is having trouble with a particular subject or assignment. If you find that your child is consistently overwhelmed with his homework or struggling set up a meeting with his teacher to talk through these concerns and how you can best support his learning.

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