One Tough Job Blog

Our blog contributors are Massachusetts moms and dads and professionals who work with parents. Each contributor has a unique perspective of the joys and challenges of raising kids.

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School Safety Series: Walking to School or the Bus Stop

Walking to school may be the best, or in some cases, only, option for getting your child to school every day. Ensure their safety by equipping them with the knowledge of these six important safety skills to keep in mind while walking to school or the bus stop.

Help! My toddler is a picky eater

Encouraging healthy eating habits for your kids can be a challenge at any age. However, toddlers can be particularly tricky to get to try new things. Here are some tips to make forming healthy eating habits in your kids easier.

​Disciplining Your Toddler

Temper tantrums, power struggles, and impulsiveness; they don’t call it the terrible twos without cause. Toddlers lack the self-control and communication skills of older children and are growing more independent every day. Don’t despair, there are things you can do now to help ease your child through this transition and stay sane at the same time.

School Safety Series: The Basics

Research shows that safety skills need to be taught five to ten times a year to children in order for them to process and retain this information. Here are seven basic safety tips to teach your child that can help keep them safe as they go to and from school.

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