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Do Children Sexually Abuse Other Children?


This guide is for everyone involved in bringing up children. It explains that some children do sexually abuse other children, describes how we can recognize the warning signs, and outlines some actions we adults can take to prevent sexual abuse.

Recognizing Sexual Abuse

Source: The U.S. Department of Justice

This page outlines general indicators of a child who has been sexually abused, a teen who has been sexually abused, another adult has been sexually abused, and someone who may sexually abuse a child. The occurrence of one indicator does not necessarily mean a person has experienced sexual abuse. Additionally, indicators of sexual abuse can vary widely from person to person.

What To Do if Your Child Discloses Sexual Abuse

Source: National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Your reaction to the disclosure will have a big effect on how your child deals with the trauma of sexual abuse. Children whose parents/caregivers are supportive heal more quickly from the abuse.

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