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articles by one tough job

Overview of Early Intervention

Source: Center for Parent Information and Resources

Early intervention services can help infants and toddlers with disabilities or delays to learn many key skills and catch up in their development.

Parenting Tips for ADHD: Dos and Don'ts


Fostering the development of a child with ADHD means that you will have to modify your behavior and learn to manage the behavior of your child. By following these guidelines, you can limit destructive behavior and help your child overcome self-doubt.

ADD/ADHD Parenting Tips


With patience, compassion, and plenty of support, you can manage childhood ADHD while enjoying a stable, happy home.

The Crib to Bed Transition: Is Your Child Ready?

Source: one tough job

There is no right time for toddlers to make the transition from a crib to a bed. Most children make the transition anywhere between one and a half to three and a half years of age, but experts recommend waiting until a child is around three years old if possible.

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