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articles by one tough job

Firearm Guidance


Gun safety is an important part of your health and the public health. Most gun owners are responsible and deeply committed to gun safety. If you are a gun owner, live in a household where there is a gun, or otherwise might come in contact with guns, the following information may help you keep yourself and those around you safe.

Keeping Kids Safe: Signs of a Bad Babysitter

Source: one tough job

It’s normal to feel reluctant to be away from your child and nervous with a new babysitter. However, if your feelings of unease do not go away or if you start to feel uncomfortable with anyone who is caring for your child, it may be time to find a new babysitter.

Keeping Kids Safe: Ask the Expert

Source: one tough job

Marybeth Dwyer is a national trainer of Talking About Touching (TAT), a child abuse prevention curriculum, and has over twenty years of experience in the family support field.

Protecting your child's idealism

Source: one tough job

It is important for your child to be aware of what is going on in the world, but certain events can promote feelings of helplessness among children of all ages. It is not realistic or healthy that we should try to cut our children off entirely from what is shown in the news, on social media, or in everyday life. However, by maintaining consistent and honest lines of communication with your child, you can help to protect their belief that they can have a positive effect in their community and the world.

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