Healthy Relationships for Positive Experiences in Childhood

Author: one tough job

Healthy relationships form when a child and his or her caregiver share respect, open communication, and trust. These elements create an environment in which children benefit from positive experiences. Children who have healthy relationships with their caregivers are more likely to be confident, happy, and secure in adulthood. Children who witness healthy relationships among the caregivers in their lives are more likely to establish healthy and positive relationships with their own peers.

Healthy relationships begin with positive parenting. Positive parenting can be practiced through spending quality time with your child and strengthening the parent-child relationship and parenting skills. Displaying attention, love and affection is necessary for children at all stages of development. The simple act of listening to your child when they talk about their day or taking time after work to sit and do an activity together with your child, are small steps that form a healthy relationship with your child.

Forming healthy relationships acts as a guard against stress and positively impacts self-esteem. Children who do not form healthy relationships and have negative experiences in childhood are more susceptible to abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Healthy relationships are a factor in building resilience in childhood, and resilience is a buffer against adversity at all stages of life.

Building a healthy relationship with your child in which they feel loved and safe in their environment vital for their continued growth and development. Here are more ideas on activities to do together to create a positive experience for your child.

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