Tips for Talking to Your Pediatrician

Author: one tough job

Tips for Talking to Your Pediatrician

You will likely visit your child’s pediatrician or health specialist more than any other medical professional. Wellness visits, immunizations, and sick calls can be stressful, and you may not always know how to ask questions or get the answers that you need. Establishing an open and honest relationship with your pediatrician and feeling more comfortable as your child’s health advocate is essential.

Here are a few tips for navigating the relationship with your pediatrician:

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you have questions or concerns, write them down before the visit and bring your notes with you. Let your pediatrician know that you have questions at the start of the visit and schedule additional visits if necessary.
  2. Don’t be afraid to disagree. Remember you know your child best. Do not hesitate to communicate your observations and thoughts and ask your pediatrician to provide you with additional information when you have questions about their recommendations.
  3. Be prepared to give information about your child and family. For example, have your child’s list of medications written down so you can accurately inform the pediatrician what your child takes.
  4. Be open and honest with the information you give them. If they ask what your child eats on a regular basis, don’t worry if it’s a mix of healthy and less nutrient-dense foods. Supporting healthy eating habits is a lifelong habit and it’s okay if it’s still a work in progress.
  5. Take notes at the appointment. It is difficult to memorize everything that was covered during the visit. Bring a notepad or take notes on your phone and follow up on any questions or concerns you may have had on the visit.

A good relationship with your child’s pediatrician is one where you are comfortable bringing your thoughts and concerns and where you feel heard. If your relationship does not improve over time, or if you feel uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to find another pediatrician who is a better match. A positive experience with your child’s pediatrician is a critical part of your child’s health.

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