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articles by one tough job

Toddler Biting

Source: one tough job

Biting is common for many toddlers. Toddlers may bite because it feels good on their teething gums or as a way to express an emotion they are feeling.

Toddler Tantrums

Source: one tough job

Toddlers use temper tantrums as a way of communicating and dealing with big feelings. Tantrums can happen at any time, even when your toddler appeared well-rested and content a minute before.

​Enjoying/Surviving Toddlerhood

Source: one tough job

We all have heard the dreaded ‘terrible twos’ and no doubt raising a toddler can be a tough job. Temper tantrums, power struggles, the highs of boundless energy and the inevitable crashes when that energy runs out are all part of the territory. However, raising a toddler can also be a lot of fun.

Activities To Do with Your Toddler

Source: one tough job

Toddlers love to learn about the world around them by using all of their senses. Here are few activities you can try with your toddler that will support his development and maybe even help burn off some of that excess energy!

Your Growing Child: Toddlers 2-3 years

Source: one tough job

Your child has now entered into the land of “terrific twos.” The third year of development is one of high emotion as your child begins to test the limits of the world around him including, and most especially, you.

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