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articles by one tough job

Breastfeeding Your Newborn

Source: one tough job

If you have decided to breastfeed, you may have some questions. This is very common for new moms because, while breastfeeding is natural, there can be a learning curve.

Discipline and Your Infant

Source: one tough job

Although it may seem like an unlikely time to think about discipline, it is the perfect time to begin to develop your discipline skills and lay the foundation for this part of your role as a parent. Discipline is about teaching your child and providing him with the limits and support that he needs to be safe, confident, and healthy.

Staying Sane on Snow Days

Source: one tough job

Remember when snow days were fun? As a parent, they can be downright crazy-making. Don’t despair - check out these ideas for staying sane and getting through snow days with kids.

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