Teaching Children About Racism


Unfortunately, racism continues to exist as a system of privilege for some and life-changing consequences and costs to others. Parents play an essential part in combating racism by adopting an anti-racist mindset and teaching their children how to recognize racism. It’s important to teach your child about racism and set a good example by modeling what it means to be anti-racist.

Here are a few tips for teaching your child about racism:

  1. Children should know and understand they are special in ways that have nothing to do with the color of their skin. Tell your child that they are not better or worse than anyone else based on the color of their skin. Children should understand that all humans are equal and should be treated as equals regardless of what they look like.
  2. Talk to your child about the culture, traditions, and history of your own family while also teaching them about the culture, traditions and history of people who are different than them. Children should appreciate the cultures, traditions, and values of everyone.
  3. Children should feel they can trust people who are different races than them or who don’t look like them. Steer away from using labeling and using phrases that would cause your child to form negative opinions about other group of people, such as, “she looks dangerous” or “don't hang out with those kids.”

All too often, children and youth are exposed to racist remarks, views, and ideas at school, on the internet, and among their peers. We can put an end to the passing of racism through generations by teaching our children how to be anti-racist. For more information on how to teach your child about racism, follow Dr. Ibram X Kendi’s guidance.

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